Saturday, 20 June 2020

Meet the saviour of the Covid-19 disease –Yoga !

Spiritual Balance. Power. Laughter. Mental peace- all these terms clubbed together defines the power of Yoga which has become more popular and unique than ever before. On the occasion of the Sixth International Yoga day on June 21, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had urged people to celebrate the day in their homes and bridge the distance between the mind and the body. Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014, with an overwhelming support across the world, Yoga occupies a special place in the world since 2015. Consequently, with the significance of the June 21, the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere that has been rendered auspicious where Lord Shiva is supposed to have imparted the knowledge of the Yoga to the world, Yoga is no less than an elixir to the mankind. By now everyone is aware of the multi-dimensional benefits of Yoga which reaps great dividends related to one’s health and wellness.  With times challenging  as the Covid-19 crisis, restricted travel, panic over the risk of infection, continuous flow of negative news and scarcity of day-to-day material and resources during the pandemic can prove costly. A great way to temper down these concerns would be to embrace Yoga as a solution and this year’s theme “Yoga at home” and “Yoga with family” is appropriately tuned at it.

Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi's appeal to the people on  6th International Yoga Day :

As the cure for the Covid-19 disease would emerge in sometime from now, there is a renewed focus upon the aspect of preventive healthcare in which Yoga has emerged as a strong contender. Besides various research reports published abroad in countries including USA, Spain among others have demonstrated the multifarious effects of ‘Yoga’. Along with the many health possibilities, Ayurveda, Yoga and meditation have a potential role to engage the community in creating a more positive health environment. For instance Yoga can also bring the family closer through the practice of asanas, pranayama and meditation.  A wide basket of benefits including forging  great personal, meaningful  and intimate bonds, self-realisation that eventually translates into appreciation for others, creation of a positive space are key takeaways from the practice of Yoga.
Indeed, times are extraordinary, with experts suggesting that our fight with the Covid-19 crisis is as big as the World War II. But India has always been ahead of the curve, be it in terms of developing an efficient, proactive mitigation strategy such as the lockdown or through looking at the crisis from the lens of opportunities, demonstrated in our vision for an Atma Nirbhar Bharat. On a similar strand given the increase in depression and mental anxiety brought about by the pandemic, Yoga will play that significant, unique role in fighting both social isolation and depression while it will also prove to be an antidote in the psycho-social care and rehabilitation of Covid-19 patients in quarantine and isolation.
Yoga is therapeutic and this has been evidenced by my own physical and mental well-being, where I have been practicing Yoga for almost three decades. The aspect that fascinated me the most about Yoga is its impact on strengthening the bond among the members of the family. On one hand, as Yoga enhances the physical-mental-psychological capacity of oneself, on the other hand it presents a rare opportunity for families to learn from each other.
All that Yoga needs is some empty space, mats and lots of diligence.  So as we move towards the vision of a ‘New India' that is hinged on the notion of sustainability, make a pledge to embrace Yoga and practice it with your family on this Sunday. Happy International Yoga day everyone!

                                                                      G Kishan Reddy

1 comment:

  1. Looking for yoga day celebration ideas? Here we have ideas to celebrate yoga day at work and boost your employees Physical & Mental Health.
